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I Hate Corey Smith

(Corey, Keith, Logan, & Jeff... "Captain Morgan" pose)

Tanner, John, Keith, Jeff, Logan, and myself all took the plunge into the cold Illinois River on Jan.1st at the EP Boat Club Polar Bear Plunge! John's favorite saying during the event was "I hate Corey Smith". I can't imagine why? It was a balmy 10 degrees & snowing with blustery winds.

Dressed in our tropical attire and swim trunks, with beach ball in hand, we patiently waited in line for the plunge into the icy water. When our time came, we ran down the slick, algae-encrusted boat ramp into the sparkling clean waters of the Illinois.
I had planned on going all the way under, but not quite in the manner that happened. As I waded through waist deep water, I slipped backwards and the wonderfully cold water surged up over my head and into my nostrils! Coming up out of the water, I felt like I had been hit in the chest with a sledgehammer. It was a struggle to get out of the water and back up the boat ramp!

In the end, we all successfully survived the ordeal and had a lot of fun!
And.... just the other day, John said "I no longer hate Corey Smith."

2008 Klondike Derby

Klondike Derby is coming up fast. Lets hope for snow! If you plan on going, please let one of the leaders know, so we can get you registered. Below are the details. If you want to see the "official" flyer, click on the Klondike Flyer link in the "Scout links" section on the left side of the page.

We'll need to pull the sled out of the trailer and perform a few "repairs." 

Date: Saturday, Jan. 19th
Time: 8:00am(registration) - 5:00pm
Place: Camp Wokanda
Cost: $8.00 per person (price includes patch)

In the Beginning...

This is my first stab at a quick and lean webpage for our troop! I've been planning on creating a site for many years (back when Logan was in Cub Scouts!) but never got around to it. I'm using a really simple blogging site called Blogger.com as the basis for the page. This allows me to publish info fast and fairly painlessly! Let me know what you think and I'll be happy to post any info regarding the troop! Please feel free to post comments as well! 
