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Philmont 2010

I think everyone has heard, but in case you haven't, we won the Philmont lottery and have a reservation for 2010. We will be taking 1 crew to Philmont. A crew consists of 8-10 scouts and 2-4 adults.

Our expedition will be from August 9th- August 21st, 2010.

Philmont is a 14 day high adventure backpacking trek through the mountains of New Mexico. 
To qualify to go, 2010 youth participants must be at least 14 years of age by September 1, 2010.

More details to follow in the coming weeks.
To learn more about Philmont, click here:

New Patrols!!!

New patrols were elected at last Tuesday's meeting.
Here is the breakdown:

Senior Patrol leader: Tanner S.
Ast. Senior Patrol Leader: Logan S.

Patrol #1
Patrol Leader: Colby S.
Ast. Patrol Leader: Seth H.
Quartermaster: Dylan N.
Scribe: Mike M.
Patrick S.
Carson S.
Tanner T.
Ryan S.
Will P.

Patrol #2
Patrol Leader: Andrew S.
Ast. Patrol Leader: Chance S.
J.D. D.
Caleb S.
Elijah V.
Zach C.
Jake M.
Colton H.

Summer Camp 2009!!!

We are planning on attending Summer Camp(at Ingersoll Scout Reservation) again this year. The dates we have registered for are:
Sunday, June 28th -Friday, July 3rd.
We have reserved the same campsite- Gunflint.

We will have further details at the next Court of Honor.

Winter Camp 2009 (Feb. 20-22)

Our next event will be a winter campout at Camp Wokanda Feb. 20-Feb. 22nd. The scouts will need to pack for cold weather and winter fun. If we have snow, we will be sledding. Mr. Spengler is also inviting the Webelos Den from Pack 81, to see if they are interested in attending.

More details to follow.

Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge

Below are the scouts who are needing to finish up their Citizenship in the Community MB. The requirements needing completed are:

1. Elijah: 1,2,4,6,8
2. Zach: 1,2,4,6,7,8
3. Mike: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8
4, Jake: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8
5. Tanner S.: 1,4,6,7,8
6. Colton: 2,4,5,6,7
7. J.D.: 1,2,3,4,7,8
8. Ryan: 1,2,7,8
9. Chance: 1,3,6,7,8

If you have your worksheets and additional work completed and filled out, please bring them to the next meeting so Mr. Spengler can review them with you.
We will be starting another merit badge, Family Life, as a Troop.