In case you haven't heard, there has been a bit of discussion regarding meeting dates. We held a committee meeting several weeks ago, and it was decided that we will begin having Troop meetings EVERY Tuesday beginning this month(March 2008). One week will be advancement, one week will be a fun meeting, and one week may be a skill/activity meeting. The goal is to make it more interesting for the boys.
Also, we would like the scouts to "drive" and plan the meetings. It may take a while for them to get used to the new format, but this will give the boys more responsibility, and a more rewarding program.
Our first meeting in March was the night before last(which I missed).
A few highlights:
• Mr. Bohnker passed out calendars for March to the scouts that attended.
• Caleb has been tasked with planning the upcoming hike on the 15th!
He will be researching both Farmdale & Sand Ridge as potential hike locations.
I will try to keep the calendar on this site updated as well. (I'm currently looking for a better calendar).
Next meeting will be Tuesday the 11th.